Mashuka was quite surprised how alike Jun and this newcomer Leon looked. It did leave him feeling a bit guilty though, back when he'd run to England he'd had a hard time telling many of the locals apart at first glance as well. But there were enough subtle distinctions that made him confident he could tell them apart. What left him a bit on end was that Leon had said he'd had his eye on the room, which made Mashuka feel even less confident that this was the first year's dorm. How long would the school let him stay, he wondered. It could shape up to be a tremendous learning experience if he got to hang around upperclassmen. [color=00aeef]"Bunk's all yours, I'll take any, they all look soft,"[/color] he said with a chuckle. Leon mentioned something along the lines of a twin act, and Mashuka looked between them once again. That might work, for what though he had no idea. It was too early to tell if they were the mischievous type, but he'd already put the idea of pranks out of his mind. He wasn't about to risk such an opportunity for purpose. Then another student entered the room, one he was unfamiliar with. She sounded like a school authority, was she an upperclassmen or just staff? Either way he wasn't too fond of what she was saying. The students had to pay for the damages? That was ridiculous, the nutcase who'd done the damage was responsible for it, not them. Besides, he didn't have a stale penny to his name. [color=00aeef]"Uhm, sorry, miss?"[/color] he stepped forward and offered a humble bow of the head. Was that the custom here? Oh well, it would do for now, respect was respect. [color=00aeef]"We didn't cause the damage to this room. There's another person, I guess she was in charge of initiation, she did this. You can't miss her, either, blonde hair, sharp teeth and absolutely out of her mind. These two didn't even show up until she was gone, they had less to do with it than I did, and I was just running away from her."[/color]