Saya sighed in annoyance at all of their excuses. Honestly, it had only been little over twenty minutes and already there were students at each other’s throats. The Head Director studied them all once more, eyes falling on Alexandra Mauk. This girl, she could tell, was an instigator and would only cause problems if she didn’t watch her tongue. [color=ed1c24]“I don’t want to hear any more of your excuses,”[/color] Saya finally said, shifting her position as she continued to cross her arms.[color=ed1c24] “Seeing as this is your first day for now, none of you will be hauled off to detention for the time being. But this won’t happen again. Consider yourselves lucky.”[/color] Suddenly, the Head Director flipped out a knife and hurled it at Sayaka. She didn’t have any doubt that the redhead would not be able to dodge it and it was really more of a warning shot than anything else. She glanced behind her before saying, [color=ed1c24]“That’s for staring at my body. And Minako? Take yourself to the school infirmary to get those bullet wounds treated,”[/color] before walking forward. One moment she was there and the next she was gone. Rei stared at her older sister’s trail of silence, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. She cast a glare over at Addie before settling on Sayaka. It was their faults that she had been scolded by her older sister. After all, it was bad enough that she was only seen as the Red-Eyed Ghost’s kid sister. And she certainly didn’t need these fools dragging her down too…. [hr] [color=9e0b0f][h3][u][center][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. Every student is to report to their respective dorm rooms immediately as well as locate their roommates. With the exception of a special cases, you each will be placed into groups of three. The following list will read off the student’s name and their dorm location: Rei Momoko, Sayaka Himura, and Addie Accel in the First Year Hallway. Alexandra Mauk, Katie Knox, and Lucifer Palaiologos in the First Year Hallway. Jun Uk, Leon Black, and Mashuka Shamal in the Second Year Hallway. Minako Tsukahara, Celine Burnett, and Hunter White in the Second Year Hallway. Satus Obra, Mairead Draigen, and Adam Starek in the Third Year Hallway. And finally, Shark-chan, Izumi Kaede, and Kaede 2 of the Black Class, along with Midori in the Third Year Hallway….”[/b][/center][/u][/h3][/color] [hr] As Saya continued to rattle off names and locations to where those students would be staying, one had to wonder how she had gotten back to the control center in barely a second. Truly a remarkable boast of speed…but there was no time to dwell on such things now. Far away, a certain shark-toothed girl was snickering happily. [color=f7941d]“Oh ho, did you hear that Ten-Ten? You get to stay with the badasses this year! The one, the only, Black Class of Riddle Academy! And the boss even called me by my nickname too! She’s the best, right?”[/color] In truth, Saya knew that Donna would never stop nagging her about it if she didn’t use her nickname. Caught in her blissful ignorance, the Hall Monitor, swept up her kendo stick and rested it on her shoulders. [color=f7941d]“Still, why even bother with making specific Year Hallways if she’s just gonna switch around the students and put them wherever? Oh ho, I bet boss did that just to have some fun~ After all, I doubt those groups will be able to get along for long.” [/color] Perhaps there was some truth to that statement.