[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Lucifer cocked his head to one side as the school-wide PA system came online. It had been an eventful morning so far, and it had made quite an impact on the young assassin. He had managed to avoid most of the excitement - though the whole 'there might be a bomb in the Auditorium' thing had rattled him slightly - but now it seemed that he was finally going to have to get involved. [color=9e0b0f][u][b]"Attention all students of Riddle Academy. Every student is to report to their respective dorm rooms immediately as well as locate their roommates. With the exception of a special cases, you each will be placed into groups of three. The following list will read off the student’s name and their dorm location: Rei Momoko, Sayaka Himura, and Addie Accel in the First Year Hallway. Alexandra Mauk, Katie Knox, and Lucifer Palaiologos in the First Year Hallway... ”[/b][/u][/color] At this point, Lucifer stopped listening and sighed. From what he understood, Alexandra and Katie were both female names and Knox and Mauk were both European surnames. Did that mean he was getting buddied up with two European girls? His face fell at the thought. [color=#2dbdfc]"It's going to be a looong year"[/color] he muttered as he took off in the direction of the First Year Hallway. He couldn't work with girls! They were like an entirely different creature to him, with their own language, customs and culture. And it wasn't just one of them, oh no, there were [i]two[/i] of them to deal with. It wasn't that he didn't like girls - he just didn't have very good experiences of them so far. But maybe he was just being paranoid. After all, he hadn't met these girls just yet. It would be presumptuous to assume they were all like his mentor's granddaughter - bouncy, airheaded and possessive, with a somewhat animalistic pack ethic. Who knows, maybe they would be more sensitive to the skittish boy than he was giving them credit for. Turning in to the Hallway, he saw he was the first one of his trio there. Good - it would give him time to prepare for what may be. [color=#2dbdfc]"At least it won't be with an American"[/color] he said, in Greek so that if there happened to be an American nearby they wouldn't take offence. They could never get his name right.