While the cheerleader was pondering on what to do, the school announcements began. It appeared that it was detailing the students and which dorm they were supposed to go to and who was going to be rooming with them. [color=fff200]"Huh."[/color] Katie spoke up in inquiry to herself. It seemed odd to the cheerleader that the school was telling which dorm you were assigned this way, instead of just handing out a sheet of paper notifying you. As Katie knew, there were a lot of students to go through. After all! There were so many running and scurrying like rabid animals in an attempt to get to their dorms, and running the PA for a rather lengthy time just seemed [i]strange[/i]. Oh well, she decided to not pay the matter much mind. After all, she was lucky and heard her announcement come out fairly early. It could've been far worse if it was done by alphabetical order, and it would've taken much longer to hear which dorm she was at. But that was the thing, it appeared that it the announcements just mentioned which hallway and not a room number. Well it made sense to Katie, after all perhaps they were just trying to be eco-friendly and didn't want to deal with the waste established from having so many pamphlets thrown away after they fulfilled their purpose. The cheerleader tilted her head as she wracked her mind to remember the names of her room-mates. Alexandra and Lucifer? Well, Katie was positive they'd be good room-mates. And even more so, she hoped they were fellow cheerleaders. Although, with a name like Lucifer, she was probably more likely to be a goth than a cheerleader. Oh well, you never knew. Still, if it was the case that both of her room-mates were cheerleaders they could totally practice cheer routines together! Thinking upon that, Katie smiled a wide grin as she shook her pom poms a bit. [color=fff200]"Like this is gonna be fun!"[/color] Katie immediately began bouncing up and down as she kicked her feet back behind her. Eagerly she looked around before she charged off towards the First-year Hallway. With an eager pep in her step, and when firmly in the hallway, Katie decided to wave her right hand around. [color=fff200]"Aleeeexiiiiiiis!"[/color] Katie squeed out as she frantically turned her head from side to side.[color=fff200]"Luuuuuuucy!"[/color] Katie shouted out once more as she glanced around the First Year Hallway. It appeared that there was no luck so far, until Katie saw a thin purple haired individual standing around. Practically bouncing towards them, Katie beamed a grin as she waved with her right hand. [color=fff200]"[b]HI there!"[/b][/color] Katie declared. Quickly she put both of her hands on her hips as she leaned her head to the side. [color=fff200]"Like uh, have you seen two girls uh, Lucy and Alexis? They didn't announce, like y'know a room number, just a general location. So I gotta find 'em!"[/color] Katie quickly leaned her head back upright as she stared at the person's hair for a moment. [color=fff200]"OH! Also what hair dye do you use? Or do you just ask your stylist for colors, cause that is a pretty shade. May ask for that if I get highlights."[/color]