When Saya came at Sayaka with a knife, Sayaka jumped and tried to dodge it, and only managed to fall onto her face, but she got back up and saw that it was only a warning shot.[color=0076a3]"[i]Damn it, I should've waited for her to be focused on someone or something else. And asked to look at her breast and bottom[/i][/color]" Sayaka thought to herself, she watched Saya walk away and put a hand on her bandaged chin, she got a good look at Saya's plump bottom and nodded while looking at it." [color=0076a3]I was right ![/color]" She yelled awkwardly then she noticed that she just yelled."[color=0076a3][i]Damn it I need to be more quiet when I'm looking.[/i][/color]" Then that's when Saya began to name names for rooms of three, Sayaka then noticed that she was paired up with two people, one of which she didn't know."[color=0076a3] Who's Addie ? [/color]" Sayaka asked aloud, she looked to Rei." [color=0076a3]Well, it looks like me you and this Addie are together Rei. Don't worry I don't snore or sleep, but I do scream when my bandages fall off, and every morning I replace them, I just wanted to tell you this before anything else. Also if there's a bandage on the door knob then I'm making a bomb or more of my fuel and the fumes can knock you out.[/color]" Sayaka informed Rei who had the look on her face she just said crap to herself.