"Representative, we- they, have sent a broadcast in our own language, or at least something similar enough to understand," Captain Jorgey said through the open channel, "They also sent rough instructions for a language key, Nia is programming our translator now. The have also requested a meeting aboard their ship- the [i]UZF Lighttaker[/i] or [i]UNN Lightbringer[/i], something along those lines. What is your decision?" Woah, Karlson thought. That's a lot to take in. They've already deciphered our language and immediately request a meeting aboard their ship. "This assignment just gets better and better doesn't it?" He thought out loud and then sighed, "Alright... I'm going to make an executive decision and skip talking to the council. They haven't armed any weapons?" "None at all sir. Their first broadcast announces they come in peace." Jorgey said, not looking at the camera but looking down at some screen. "Alright then. Lets have just you go aboard. Leave Kalo in charge until you get back, and tell him to leave at any sign of armed weapons, or if any ship starts to warp out tell him to follow far enough behind without being seen." Jorgey looked up from his screen, "Yes sir, I'm taking my translator with me for quick-ish communication. I will send a broadcast shortly." Before Jorgey closed the channel Karlson felt it necessary to add, "And, Jorgey? May Olldar watch over you." "Thank you Representative," Jorgey said with a slight smile, "I'll update you when I return." and with that, the channel shut off. Jorgey typed up a broadcast stating that they have accepted the meeting and will be docking soon. He waited for a few minutes, and when no objection came back, started his way towards the new ship- The [i]Lightbringer[/i] was what the crew decided was most likely name of it. The docking procedure was relatively painless with Jorgey's long experience piloting. The docking port opened and Jorgey hopped out into the bay of the [i]Lightbringer[/i]. The [i]Night[/i] left very soon after closing the port door, with Kalo piloting. Jorgey turned around to see a figure not entirely different than his own race, with less hair and strange ears. He said, "Hello, My name is Jorgey Garuntaff, I am the captain of the [i]CN Night[/i]." A few moments later his translator beeped out a rough translation in a monotone voice.