[@MelonHead] Sensationalized media overblowing something that is still a problem, though nowhere near as much of a problem as they would like it to be. Twenty cases every million doesn't make a whole lot when put in perspective. Media is incredibly seditious as it is run by big business who want to create corporate machines in America once again. By demonizing guns the media is attempting to make guns sound like a bad thing. It's incredibly Un-American. And I don't mean that in a "Bang bang, I'm 'Murican. Cain't take mah guns away, I'mma shoot a cop." No, I mean that in a literal sense. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." This does not mean: "Everyone buy a gun, go out and shoot your neighbor. You have the power to kill everyone because you have a gun." It means exactly this: "To protect one's home/family/country from any threat, foreign or domestic, your ownership of a gun shall not be infringed upon by the state." The second amendment was put in place because our forefathers had the foresight to realize that America, like all countries, would go to war. And, like all other wars, it will inevitably happen on our shores. This law allows the people, regardless of what the media or politicians say, to own guns. What the media sensationalizes, however, is that the law is in place so that only crazy people own guns. Every single case that the media portrays about American gun crimes never details that a majority of them are committed by nutjobs. The National Rifle Association is demonized into a group of gun toting lunatics, when they're really an organized group intent on keeping American's right to gun ownership. And yes, before you ask, I am a pro-gun person. This is actually pretty near and dear to me.