The alarm went off at 9:30AM next to Shizuka's bed. She opened her eyes slowly, waking up, and stared at the clock for a few moments before the noise got too annoying and she was prompted to turn it off. Getting up and stretching, she took note of the fact that she had slept quite well last night, though she couldn't remember if she had dreamed anything. Though the thought was kind of melancholy, she didn't dwell on it. She got changed, brushed her teeth and went out to the kitchen to make herself brunch. She noticed that her roommate's door was closed, indicating that she had returned, though Shizuka had no idea when she got back the previous night. Shizuka made sure to make enough food for her roommate as well. When she finished eating, she wrapped her roommate's portion in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge, leaving a note to her roommate, telling her that there was food for her and that she should microwave it. Then she headed out to go to the academy. Shizuka made it to the life sciences wing of the campus; she had some cages of hamsters that she was taking care of as part of her graduate project. She had just walked past some of the offices when she heard a click behind her. Turning around, she saw Shou Matsuoka, the professor of the class for which she was the teaching assistant. "G-good morning, Dr. Matsuoka," Shizuka said with a slight bow out of courtesy. After straightening back up, she got a better look at him and saw that he was worse for wear. "Umm, Dr. Matsuoka, I don't mean to pry, but are you feeling well?" To be in such a condition at almost noon made Shizuka wonder if Shou was, like many of the other professors, overworking himself and not giving himself enough sleep. She had heard enough from many of the faculty here about the commitment and sacrifices required to be a successful member of academia.