[center][h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=fff200]"Aleeeexiiiiiiis! Luuuuuuucy!"[/color] A loud female voice announced the entrance of a bouncing brunette American. At once, Lucifer was glad he spoke Greek. He didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings on the first day. When she spotted him, she waved and started skipping towards him. Was this one of the girls he would be partnered with? He hoped not. Even if she herself wasn't that bad, they way she moved just screamed that she was not one to hide in the shadows like himself. They would be at ends even if they liked each other. [color=fff200][b]"Hi there!"[/b][/color] She announced, with a distinctive lack of an indoor voice. She made a strange gesture with her hands, one he was not at all familiar with. Was it an American greeting? [color=fff200]"Like uh, have you seen two girls uh, Lucy and Alexis? They didn't announce, like y'know a room number, just a general location. So I gotta find 'em!"[/color] Lucifer sighed in relief - she was buddied with an Alexis and a Lucy, so she couldn't have been with him. Knowing this, he was able to muster up a smile. [color=#2dbdfc]"[i]Salaam.[/i] Sorry, I've just got here - I haven't seen anyone else. But I didn't..."[/color] He trailed off, noticing the girl was now staring at his head. He was about to ask if there was a problem when the American burst out again. [color=fff200]"OH! Also what hair dye do you use? Or do you just ask your stylist for colors, cause that is a pretty shade. May ask for that if I get highlights."[/color] Lucifer almost facepalmed. How was he supposed to talk to this girl if he couldn't predict what she'd say next? Still, he couldn't resist cracking a smile. The girl's bouncy energy, though stifling and terrifying in itself, was terribly contagious. [color=#2dbdfc]"I don't dye my hair - it's naturally this color"[/color] he laughed good-naturedly [color=#2dbdfc]"Anyway, you said you were looking for a Lucy and an Alexis? Maybe we could help each other - see, I'm looking for an Alexandra Mauk and a... Oh.[/color] You could almost hear the sound of the penny dropping. There was no "Alexis" and "Lucy" called out, so they must have been nicknames. Alexandra could be shortened to Alex, which could be lengthened to Alexis. And similarly, Lucifer could be shortened to Luci which sounded exactly like... [color=#2dbdfc]"You must be Katie Knox."[/color] Lucifer began, trying to recreate the greeting the American gave him earlier, putting his hands on his hips and tilting his head [color=#2dbdfc]"The 'Lucy' you're looking for is... erm, me."[/color] He would never, ever understand girls.