[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Classroom 1-1 => Agriculture Club || May 4 MON: After School[/h3] During homeroom period, the teacher had given a warning to the class regarding loitering the streets of Warakuma alone or after dark, without having a specific explanation as to why this time around. But moving the topic to the hospitalization of Chiaki Nettu, one of the class' popular students, the teacher announced that 'Get well soon' gifts may be collected tomorrow homeroom period to be brought to her if anyone wished to do so. With how obvious the transition of topics was, the students put two and two together to figure out that the warning and Chiaki being in the hospital were connected. While a bunch of the male population of the class were heart broken to hear their idol brought to the hospital, others such as Shizuka worried about the well being of their classmate. Maybe buying her a basket of fruits would be appropriate for a gift, Shizuka noted to herself. Once the end of class bell rang throughout the campus, the raven haired girl bid her two friends farewell as she wanted to drop by the Agriculture Club to turn in the club application form, as she had promised Matt last weekend. With a filled up form in her school bag, she paced nervously along the hallway towards the club room. This was the first club she was to join in her high school life, was she going to enjoy it? Are the people going to be as friendly as Kotori and Matt? What if her knowledge for plants isn't sufficient enough for her to join the club? Well, it was better to try and find out, rather than giving up on the go. [i]A deep breath, in... and out...[/i] Before Shizuka slid the door before her and entered into the Agriculture Club room. It seemed to be almost empty, except a certain club president who seemed to be watering the plants along the windowsill caught her hidden eyes. Due to hindrance in her view, she hadn't noticed Kotori was in the room with them as well. A soft chuckle as she mumbled to herself, [color=violet]"[i]Harvester-senpai must really love nature.[/i]"[/color] While she did not want to interrupt his time with the plants, it wasn't as if she could stand and wait till all the plants were watered. After a nod of her head, she walked forward towards the upperclassman with the club application form in hand then greeted with a polite bow of her head before him. [color=violet]"Go-Good afternoon Harvester-senpai, I-I don't mean to interrupt you, but I would like to join the Agriculture Club."[/color]