Arty felt the vibration from his lap as he got a text. After finishing his [I]oh so spectacular[/I] breakfast the ginger read the text, a slight smile forming on his face. [color=00a651][i]"Grand, see you then lassie =)" -Arty[/i][/color] He texted in response to Ryva before he stood up from the couch and stretched. [color=00a651][b]"To hours eh?"[/b][/color] Arty mumbled to himself as he yawned. [color=00a651][b]"That is enough time to swing by the market."[/b][/color] He before he walked to his bathroom and jumped into the shower. After a quick wash, and some rather horrid singing, Arty emerged from the shower and strolled to his room, luckily he didn't have a roommate or they would of gotten quite the [I]eyeful[/I] that morning. About a minute later Arty was back out of his room dressed in a dark green flannel shirt, a slightly faded pair of jeans, and some pretty battered brown work boots. [color=00a651][b]"I'll see yo' in a bit Nessie, don't burn down the 'ouse."[/b][/color] Arty said with a chuckle as he lightly stroked the cat that had taken up a seat on the counter leading into the kitchen. After exiting his apartment, and prying Nessie off his leg, Arty made his way up the street from his apartment building and into the small corner grocery store. It was a quite little store that Arty had been going to ever since he moved into the apartments, mainly because he didn't have to take the Bus to get to it. The flannel clad man entered the store and gave a nod to the elderly man who sat behind the counter and played a game of solitaire. It didn't take long for Arty to find what he was looking for, just some milk, bread, and a few cups of instant noodles to make through out the week. He was heading back to cash register when he accidently bumped into one of the shelves in the aisle, which was already pretty cramped for Arty and his massive size, which caused quite the disaster. The shelf he bumped into collapsed causing the ones under it to fall as well. In his haste to catch what he could Arty bent over too fast and his huge rear end hit the aisle behind him causing the whole shelf to topple over with all of it contents flying all over the place. After a moment that felt like an eternity Arty looked back to the old man sitting behind the counter, who's mouth hung open in shock. [color=00a651][b]"Uhhh.... I'm sorry.."[/b][/color] -------------- Arty walked into Mochavine with a remorseful look on his face and made his way to one of the booths where he took a seat and released a large huff. After his blunder in the store Arty insisted on helping cleaning up and paying for the damage he caused, but the big oaf still felt like a right ass for what he did. He had always been a tad bit clumsy, but no matter how many times he screwed up he couldn't get over the embarrassment that came over him each time. Arty sighed and leaned back deeper into the booths chair. [color=00a651][b]"Hopefully chatting with Ryva will raise my spirits..."[/b][/color]