Ryva was locking her apartment up, when her phone played [i]Radioactive[/i] again. She unlocked the screen of her phone with one hand as the other one clipped Moose's leash to the ring on his vest. She smiled fondly. [center][color=00a651][i]"Grand, see you then lassie =)" -Arty[/i][/color][/center] She put her phone in her pocket and headed for the stairwell, Moose's leash held loosely in one hand, seeing as how Moose was faster than her when it came to running down the stair. They reached the bottom floor and Ryva stepped out into the morning air, breathing deeply. [color=6ecff6]"Come on, Moose,"[/color] she said to him. [color=6ecff6]"Arty's waitin' for us."[/color] Ears pricked when she said Arty's name, the young dog obeyed. [hr] Ryva stopped in front of the window and waved to Arty. He seemed romorseful, and it piqued her interest. Her eyes were unreadable behind her mirrored shades, but her smile said it all. Moose had his Service dog vest on-Ryva was blind in her left eye and needed surgery soon-so he was allowed into the cafe with her. She opened the door and made her way to Arty, politely taking off the hat she had been wearing. [color=6ecff6]"'Ello, Arty ol' lad,"[/color] she said, sliding into the seat from across from him. Moose looked at Ryva with a pleading look, his tail waggging. He wasn't allowed to greet people until Ryva said. Ryva smiled.[color=6ecff6]"Say hello, Moose."[/color] Moose nudged Arty's hand, tail wagging furiously. [color=6ecff6]"So how ye doin' today? From what I can tell, you did something on accident, but ye still feel bad about it."[/color]