“That’s the spirit, Shou,” Jun laughed as the teacher sat down at the roulette table. “With a pretty gal by your side, you can take on the world, am I right? Soon you’ll be walkin’ outta here saying [i]‘veni vidi vici.’[/i]” He turned back to the other men at the table. “You fellas ready for a round with this lady killer? Right then, place your bets!” With that, the next game began. After two rounds, another familiar face made an appearance at the roulette table. “How’s it going, Jake?” Jun greeted before a thoroughly drunken Shou intercepted the rock star. A brief exchange followed in which Jake offered the others a shot of Vodka and Jun respectfully declined. “Thanks, but if the boss man catches me drinkin’ on the job, I might as well kiss this place goodbye,” he shook his head. [i]Well, that, and a few shots of vodka would have me flirting like the cocktail girls.[/i] “How’s about a couple rounds of roulette instead, Jake?” he asked, casually changing the subject. “There’s an open seat at the table with your name on it!” -- [b]11:45AM Jun’s Apartment[/b] Jun groaned as he rolled out of bed and silenced the incessant beeping of his alarm clock. Despite having just woken up, he already wanted nothing more than to climb back into the warm blankets for another five hours of sleep. He hoped the new music he had released on his website last week was selling well so he could finally ask his boss to cut back his hours at work. [i]I don’t think I can pull off many more of these back-to-back graveyard shifts…[/i] Still in a half-asleep state, Jun shuffled over to his desk and opened his laptop to check up on the proceeds from his latest single. He flipped through tabs of software until he found the page he was looking for and quirked a brow in surprise. The song had nearly twice as many downloads as he had expected! He stared blankly at the computer screen for a moment until he remembered the music video he had filmed with Jake Vanguard. Fans of the rock star must have looked up Jun’s page after listening to their collaboration. [i]Looks like I’m gonna be able to cut back my hours after all,[/i] he smiled, closing the laptop and walked to his bathroom to get ready for the day. After taking a quick shower and throwing on a [url=http://i1003.photobucket.com/albums/af156/DrakeandKieve/Anime%20Guys/Picture1.jpg]fresh set of clothes[/url], Jun decided to start off the morning—or was it afternoon?—by having brunch at Mochavine to celebrate the success of his new songs. So, eager to have one of the café’s signature coffees, he grabbed the first set of headphones he could find, turned up some music on his phone, and headed out the door. [hider=Jun's single][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS4e4ozg0HU[/youtube][/hider] -- [b]12:10PM Mochavine Café[/b] As he stepped inside the café Jun took off his headphones, letting them hang around his neck as he looked for a place to sit. There were already a number of other people seated in the dining area—including Ryva and Arty from Club LUSH, he noticed—so most of the tables were filled. Catching sight of a pretty blonde, he momentarily toyed with the idea of offering to sit with her, but the large dog that accompanied the girl was more than slightly off putting. He didn’t want to risk being bitten by a husky and there weren’t any other people dining alone that he could see, so Jun decided to sit by himself, claiming one of the few remaining empty booths near the front window and waiting for a waitress to come to his table.