[quote=@Roecoon] [color=00aeef]Kameyo sipped on her coffee, she scrunched her nose at the bitterness. Clean clothes would probably be better.[/color] [i]Hey maybe people won't recognize you as the random dancing drunk chick.[/i] [color=00aeef]She looked up at Nori. She was still pretty, even with her hair all messed up[/color]. "Yeah, If I had time I was going to move my things in. I only have a few boxes of things. The bed would be the only thing that'll be tough to move." [i]Oh! But would it be an inconvenience to ask to wear her clothes? What if they didn't fit?![/i] [color=00a99d]There was only one way to find out. Kameyo took another gulp of her coffee.[/color] [i]Alright, you already know she's nice, you can do this.[/i] "Y-yeah, some clothes would be nice. Oh! but only if it's really ok! If it's a bother I'll be fine and just change at the dorm." [i]Wow way to ramble Kame.[/i] [color=00aeef]Ugh she managed to make herself a dork...again.[/color] [/quote] [quote=@IrishAngelQueen] Ryva smiled and took her sunglasses off as Moose took the bone and nudged Arty's hand in thanks. [color=00a651][b]"Ay lass, I made right ass of me self today."[/b][/color] He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, something she had noticed he always did when he was nervous. [color=00a651][b]"I managed to wreck an aisle or two in the store up the street from my place. Don't think I'll be goin' back there any time soon."[/b][/color] He said with a slight groan as he let his head fall back onto the back of his seat. [color=00a651][b]"Not the way I wanted to start this day."[/b][/color] Ryva couldn't help but chuckle. [color=6ecff6]"Och lad,"[/color] she said. [color=6ecff6]"I do no' think they were overly upset. Knowin you, I can expect ye helped them put everything to rights again."[/color] Then she adopted a firm, but gentle tone. [color=6ecff6]"Do no' be so hard on yourself. Ye're a great man, and anyone who can no' see that is an idiot."[/color] Then she raised her hand a bit, signaling for a waitress. [color=6ecff6]"Ye gonna order anythin', lad?"[/color] she asked him. [color=6ecff6]"It's on me."[/color] And, seeing him opening his mouth to protest, she added, [color=6ecff6]"Ye let me do this, Arty. I did no' get to buy us drinks las' night, and I'm makin' up for it."[/color] [hr] [@Saarebas] [/quote] Hey guys, these posts are pretty short, like ive mentioned before we are in advanced and even though its low advanced I expect to see larger paragraphs. Please use more enviromental descriptions and thoughts in your characters head if you don't have as much to say as usual, or sadly sometimes its best to wait until there is more going on, interaction wise before posting. [@MyCatGinger] Will you be able to keep an eye on this if I'm not around? I think I've even been guilty of it once, we all need a reminder here and there.