Arty couldn't help but chuckle, he was starting to suspect that Ryva was either some kind of psychic or she had been fallowing him around with the giant oaf noticing. [color=00a651][b]"Yeah I 'elped clean up the mess, even paid for the shite I broke. Don't think I'll be gettin' that car I wanted anytime soon."[/b][/color] Arty said with another chuckle, his sullen expression slowly fading. When Ryva waved over a waitress and asked what he wanted Arty was about to protest, but the girl quickly cut him off and insisted that she was paying. Arty simply chuckled and shook his head, he knew he wasn't about to win this argument with Ryva. [color=00a651][b]"'ave it yer way lass. I'll just 'ave a coffee, black if that is okay."[/b][/color] He said with a smile to the waitress. As he waited for Ryva to order Arty started to pet Moose again, smiling as he watched the dog gnaw on his new bone. When he heard the chiming of the door opening Arty turned his hazel gaze over t see who just came in, much to his surprise it was Nori. He was about to wave at the young DJ until he noticed the blue hair that stood just behind her. Arty quickly retracted his hand and pinned his attention down to the floor where Moose was. [color=00a651][b]"Shite..."[/b][/color] He mumbled under his breath as he tried his best, which wasn't quite honestly that good, to hide his face. He already made a fool of himself this morning at the store so Arty really didn't feel like having a repeat of last night, especially if he could avoid it. [color=00a651][i]Please please please please don't look over 'ere.[/i][/color] Arty played over and over in his head.