Zenji watched the man as he approached them, looking at Mizuki and the Zhou. She kept her eyes on him as he mentioned being a fighter, a champion at that. She pursed her lips, "Han Li," she spoke the name as if she were testing it out, "Never heard of you..." She looked back at Masuto, who stood in the house. She didn't know how he was feeling about all of these people calling him Avatar and offering to join them. She looked back at Han Li. How on earth did he find out? The only people who knew were in the house and had yet to leave. She glanced at Zhou and Mizuki, they hadn't been there when he was announced and the letter mentioned nothing about what or who Masuto was but they knew he was the Avatar on arrival at the house. She didn't like this. It would be wise for Rogue Benders to attack Masuto now, when he was weaker and didn't understand the full use of his abilities. She held her glider tightly in her hands before looking back at Masuto, "It is up to you if you want more help.. but we should go... Now..." ~~~~~~~~ Rayn said nothing to her when she climbed on the bike. Man, he was furious about something. She pushed it out of her mind as he revved the engine before turning them around. Her arms tightened around him, to avoid being thrown off the back of the bike. She looked around the city as they drove the distance between her house and the new Avatar's. She jolted forward slightly when the stopped and looked at Rayn when he spoke about Han. He didn't like the guy, that she apparent. Although, she couldn't figure out why. That didn't solve why he was mad though he was pissed before they even spoke to Matsen. She kept her arms around him and rested her chin on his shoulder, looking ahead without having to look suspicious. She watched as Han walked up to the house and spoke quietly, "He isn't as charming as he thinks he is...." She stayed there, looking straight ahead as the blue haired girl looked back into the house, most likely at the Avatar.