[@Narcotic Dollie] Arty chuckled.[color=00a651][b]"Yeah I 'elped clean up the mess, even paid for the shite I broke. Don't think I'll be gettin' that car I wanted anytime soon."[/b][/color] Arty said with another chuckle, and Ryva noticed that his sullen expression seemed to be fading. It made her smile to see him happy, or at least trying his best. [i][color=6ecff6]We all do our best to be happy,[/color][/i] Ryva thought. [color=6ecff6][i]Even if we really don't feel like it. And It's really the little things that matter most. Like the touch of a hand on your cheek, or a wave goodbye.[/i][/color] She was pulled out of her thoughts when Arty chuckled. [color=00a651][b]"'Ave it yer way lass. I'll just 'ave a coffee, black if that is okay."[/b][/color] He said with a smile to the waitress. Ryva was still smiling as she ordered a small Iced peppermint mocha. She heard the chiming of the door and turned her crystalline blue gaze over to see who had just entered the coffee shop. To her slight surprise, it was the female DJ from Club LUSH. Remembering last night's events, she realized how conceited she must have sounded, and it made her cringe. She turned to Arty. [color=6ecff6]"I'll be right back, lad,"[/color] she said, rubbing the back of her neck. [color=6ecff6]"I realized how conceited I must have sounded last night, and I need tae go apologize."[/color] She got up and approached Nori, bowing slightly with her right fist over her heart, then straightened. She gave a shy smile. [color=6ecff6]"Excuse me, Lass,"[/color] she said. "[color=6ecff6]I wanted to apologize fer how I acted last night. I realize how conceited I must have seemed, and I apologize. I was only tryin' to make amends fer shovin' ye, and we got off on the wrong foot. I'd like tae start over, if ye do no' mind, lass. And ye're welcome tae come sit with me and Arty, and my pup does no' bite."[/color] [hider=Sentence count] 1st paragraph-10 sentences; technically a full paragraph. 2nd paragraph-8 sentences. 3rd paragraph-9 sentences. [/hider]