[@Dynamo Frokane] Boss, I'm here. And ready to kick ass. How about you give us a sample post of the absolute minimum amount that anyone can write, and I'll enforce that rule pretty strictly henceforth. :P I realise those posts are a bit short, and that happens to the best of us, don't worry anyone, so I won't be absolutely unforgiving to the occasional 'short' post. Let's try, since we're in the advanced section, about three paragraphs at best? ^^ [@IrishAngelQueen] explained well that a paragraph is considered about 5 sentences, let's consider one about five lines, so on average one writes about fifteen or twenty lines at the very minimum? In apparence, that should be about five lines more of what The Irish Lassie and Lady Snuggly-Tanuki (Roe, I mean you!) have written. I realise this is advanced, but I also realise everyone can't write all that much all the time. What's say, boss? [s]Did I do good boss?[/s]