[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjgyMDJhMi5VbTk2WVNCTllYa2dUV0Z5YTI5Mi4y/cretino.regular.png[/img] Sitting alone on the bench she crossed her legs at the knee, one of her feet unable to touch the ground though it didn't bother her much as she pulled a large novel from her handbag. The blonde wore no glasses, and had no freckles like those who usually read such large fantasy novels, and had the figure of a model; a strange sight though it wasn't entirely uncommon with what she did for a living. The young woman glanced from the page of her novel as a girl walked over to her and ask for her order, where Roza had already decided what it was that she wanted to drink and eat today. [color=darkorchid]"White chocolate latte with cream and nutmeg."[/color] She said with another glance at the menu in front of her, a pastry catching her eye just as the girl asked her if there was anything else she wanted. [color=darkorchid]"Yes. The peanut butter cheesecake with chocolate and strawberry sauce."[/color] If anyone ever saw all the foods she ate they would wonder how the young actress managed to keep her stomach as flat as it was and how she stayed as thin as she was. It was a combination of genetics and her daily routine, which was fairly simple as it was though her part required her to maintain a healthy figure. [i]'Of course miss.'[/i] The girl turned away from her and Roza glanced around the packed cafe again before returning her gaze to the book she was holding in her hands. Lifting a single hand, deft fingers tucking a loose lock of hair back behind her ear, polished nails catching the light with the deep purple that set off her eyes nicely while near her face. She glanced up for a moment to see her dog looking around at the sudden crowd, obviously wanting to go see the dog on the other side of the cafe though she wouldn't approve and therefore he didn't move at all. [color=darkorchid]"What's wrong Kaskae?"[/color] She spoke to the dog, saying his name in a traditional Alaskan Inuit accent though when the dog looked over at the male with brown hair she laughed slightly and stood, gesturing for the animal to come with her as she walked over to the male sitting alone. [color=darkorchid]"Hey, sorry to bother you but Kaskae here wanted to say hello."[/color] The blonde, standing with her hands behind her back and the dog standing next to her though the animal didn't jump at the male even though his tail wagged slightly from side to side. He found him interesting, though the young woman couldn't figure out quite why it was that he animal companion had wanted to come over to see him. It wasn't often that Roza would walk over to a stranger and speak to them, the rare occasions on demand of her dog or her job, since at times her partner in certain scenes would be too intimidated to go up to her first since she'd been part of the show since it's beginning three years ago. Elyrian Darkness was a fantasy show that aired at eleven on Thursdays, featuring an abstract sense of young actors and actresses trying to get into the spotlight of show business, and with the televisions shows growing popularity among fantasy, supernatural, war and romance fans, they were gaining enough fame that sometimes they would be recognized in public. Just after the release of the final episode of the season, Roza and her co-star, Matthew, had been in an interview on Late Night Magic - a talk show featuring both old well-known names and the up and coming. The man she stood before on the other hand didn't seem as if he would know about it, so she didn't worry about being recognized, at least not in a city this large, just yet. With blue eyes big and open, lashes fluttering and casting light shadows over her eyes, and her head cocked slightly to the side; she smiled and waited for his response.