[color=598527][h2]Sieghardt Kasumi- 4/5/2015 Monday after school[/h2][/color] Classes were over, he did really fuck all for Golden week besides getting his ass beat at that Persona tournament. Well he did better than he thought, a little too much because he didn't know the results would be made known to the world. Okay scratch that he knew, but he assume the winner and runner up would be made known not literally everyone's ranking. So he spent a lovely few days being put under watch from his parents who found out such results. Who knew they wouldn't be thrilled that their son told them one thing then did another? Then again he did go there to watch not participate, come to think about it how did he participate? So pretty much he got grounded, and as such was told he was only allowed out for school and anything that they instructed their servants or themselves to do. Was he allowed to do stuff? Yes he was, however was it fun? No it was not. So a few days went by of a hell only a parent who would want the best for their child, a knowledgeable one. So in class Sieg would look less than amused at pretty much every single class, he spent Golden week learning and now he spent today learning. He would then spend the afternoon learning with his families servants coming out in different intervals to teach him. Now normally he would be bored with it, but he was more so worried for he knew how they acted and what they did to teach him. They went to far into character, quite a bit..... all the time. So when class ended he delayed standing up and walking to the school's entrance where he stood speechless at what laid before him. It was his families Limo and one of his tutors dressed in a robot suit waving at him. Sieg would sigh to himself as he sheepishly walked to the limo where the man in the suit was currently doing the robot dance. [color=aba000]"Hello mast-"[/color] Sieg would hold up a hand and just get into the Limo where the robot man would commit to his part and even get into the Limo like a robot. [color=aba000]"Today we are going to a museum...OF SCIENCE!"[/color] Robot man would say to which Sieg sighed but in relief this time. [color=8882be]"Of course we are.... wait a second you guys didn't do what I think you guys did did you?"[/color] Sieg would ask but receive no response until they got there where he would see that he was correct. His family got the place to allow his tutor to go around the entire building teaching him and a bunch of other people. This wouldn't be so bad, yet they did have a big sign with a caption of special lecture by Robot Man from the Kasumi's, to freaking promote it! So Sieg would have to walk through the exhibits which would be more enjoyable with silence, yet would have to listen to his tutor dressed as a robot who was still doing the robot dance. To make matters worse instead of getting called sir or boy, he was called young master so everyone would instantly know he was a part of the Kasumi household. He was certain he heard a child laughing at him. [color=598527]'Laugh all you want little boy, I'll laugh my ass off to when I deport you.[/color]' Sieg would think to himself before going on to answering more questions. Then came the dreaded moment he feared, they came to a robot presentation and was asked how do robots dance. Yet of course telling was out of the question, he had to show it. Sieg's face would redden as he walked forward and removed the robots mans head and put it on himself. [color=598527]"I have to commit right?"[/color] Was the only thing he said before he started doing the robot dance, shockingly doing it better than the tutor was doing. Which of course had the tutor taking notes while everyone clapped to Siegs performance.