Shizuka followed Shou to his office at his prompting. When he mentioned his lack of sleep, she replied, "I understand, I've heard being a professor is a demanding lifestyle. Please take better care of yourself. I know work is your top priority, but you can't do good research if you're not feeling well." She still misconstrued his tiredness as being due to work. However, when Shou approached her suddenly, she stared up into his eyes, confused and slightly startled, forgetting even to breathe for a short moment, and when he knelt down, Shizuka cringed imperceptibly, before she realized that he was inspecting the hamsters. She loosened up a bit now that she knew why he had approached so suddenly. [i]"Of course, he's curious about the hamsters,"[/i] she thought to herself. This thought had a calming effect on her; she didn't know what to do when she got undue personal attention. When he complimented her on her care of the animals, she smiled a little, "These hamsters were originally part of an animal testing group, but they were injured during the trial and rejected. My professor thought it would be a good opportunity for me to treat them and nurse them back to health." Shizuka was glad Shou was fine with an animal cage being in his office, some people didn't like the smell, or were afraid of the bedding getting everywhere. She found his tolerance and concern for the animals charming. "I need to take these guys back though, but if there's anything about your biology class that you want to talk to me about, I can swing right back." Shizuka doubted it since classes had only been going for a short time, and there wasn't anything to grade yet, but she thought she'd ask just in case.