[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] // [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FD4bSgQXT0]Warakuma High, Library[/url][/h3] As the third-year tried to figure out which psychology textbook came first, he heard someone walking up behind him. Sato quickly gave up on getting it right, since it wasn’t like it mattered that much, and shoved the two books onto the shelf. Straightening his back out, Sato looked over to that person that had approached him. To his surprise, it was the waiter from the book café. [color=f26522]You seem to be a little accident-prone.”[/color] The red-haired boy said, picking up a few of the books to help out. [color=f26522] “You look okay, but I'll ask anyway.”[/color] [color=skyblue]”I suppose you’re right. As of late, at least.”[/color] The teen picked up another textbook from the floor. Sato was trying hard to recall the waiter boy’s name from when he had introduced himself back at the café. While the red-head’s given name escaped him, Sato at least remembered the surname the guy had used to introduce himself with. [color=skyblue]”I’m fine, of course. Thanks for asking. If I remember correctly, you’re Tanaka, from the café? I’m Hashimoto Sato. I figured you would be a student here.”[/color] While there wasn’t [i]that[/i] much of a mess anyway, the books were quickly put away back to their (hopefully) original positions, minus the one text Sato had actually needed. In a weird mixture of procrastination and not wanting to just leave after having met Tanaka again, he decided to bring up the topic that had the students abuzz with rumors and questions. [color=skyblue]”You’ve obviously heard of the kidnappings, correct? I haven’t been following it very much, but the latest victim was that idol girl that moved here, right? This whole thing’s pretty weird. From what I hear, the police have no idea where they had been taken or anything.”[/color] While he wasn’t lying about how he wasn’t on top of the news, it was a popular subject amongst the guys he sat next to and getting the latest tid-bits about it proved easy enough. Thinking about it, he realized he actually knew all of the victims to some extent. It’d been impossible to not know Hamada, the drama club president, was one of the victims. He knew Noboru, an acquaintance at best, had been missing as well, and while he had only met her once or twice, Sato remembered talking to Chiaki Nettu as one of Noboru’s friends once or twice. That Harvester guy that was in his class was also one of the victims, having been missing for a week or however long it was. He was almost embarrassed to admit he hadn’t really noticed at all. [color=skyblue]”It’d really suck to get into that kind of trouble with mid-terms right around the corner. I hope they’re all alright.”[/color] Of course, news about them post-kidnap was pretty scarce. Sato assumed they were all okay since there wasn’t any talk of injuries or anything (and that he knew Harvester was fine, seeing as he had returned to school seemingly unscathed). [color=skyblue]”That Harvester guy’s in my class, actually. Not that I’m really acquainted with him though. If you don’t mind me asking, Tanaka, are you familiar with any of them yourself?”[/color] [@XLegs]