[@Kieran] The stores wouldn't be hit too hard simply because everything went to hell so fast. Those that survived would have taken things, and people would have stocked up amidst the paranoia but generally there wont be a lot of problems initially finding supplies as most places will have plenty enough for your group of three. There is a dollar general at O,7 and a local grocery store at S,3. Take your pick.

[@Voltus_Ventus] If these were vanilla walkers then I might agree. The CDC didn't want to treat what could potentially be just an illness like a hollywood zombie apocalypse, so the undead were gathered for treatment rather than destroyed on the first day. Due to the extremely volatile nature of the undead at night (Think just a little tamer than War Z) That first night wiped out a sizable portion of the population worldwide. There are few survivors here in Prospect. Most are dead or turned. It's been two days, so that means its been two nights and if you make too much noise at night you can get a whole group killed. For that reason I'm saying that things are pretty bad already. I plan to add more maps as they are needed, but there will be plenty to do here for the time being. (This one took me 3 hours to edit)