"[color=DCDCDC]What are they offering?[/color]" [i]"Four million- All on Lilith." [/i] "[color=DCDCDC]Four million?[/color]" [i]"Hard to believe, I know. I know its a little out of the way, far into the Outer Rim-"[/i] "[color=DCDCDC]I don't take plastic. All in paper, all accounted for, nothing stolen.[/color]" His voice rung out like cold steel, still, emotionless and totally calm. Harry kept his gaze focused on the suited man before him who had been so calm shortly before, only now to stand shivering and skittish. Had he not expected him to take the job? Lilith was a good distance from the inner planets, but not far enough to be devoid of civilization or any signs of life. Sure the deserts were barren and the weather there was beyond the comfort of most of the inner planets, but the further from the centre, the higher the scum seemed to concentrate. Lilith was one of them, filled to the brim with crooks; there was no denying the paychecks though. Harry often kept the conversations short, collecting the skins of cooks and dealers through the systems wasn't worth the formalities of real business. A long chat could let the illusive disappear from sight once again. He took only the details and left, the rest he had friends for. Names were a start, and location just made things easier. Should the contractor provide an image? Well that made things shiny. Harry, like most of his [i]kind[/i], stocked his ship with everything he needed: guns, poison, anything that could tranquilize; it was the arsenal of a man who ended life for money. It may have been a solitary life in appearance but what use were his skills, his talents if he couldn't so much as use them. Harry Leeson, originally born on Illyum, now stood on an empire piled high on the addictions and desperate needs of others. The man left his seat in the bar and disappeared through the door with the strange confidence of a man who knew how to blend, to stalk and disappear among the crowds. Blonde, curly hair blew back in the chill of the evening wind revealing his two [color=8FBC8F]grey[/color] eyes, both seemingly clouded over, calculating and concentrated. The journey from the crowded downtown bar to the air strip wasn't long but with an entire few weeks planned, Harry felt the trip was all too quick. It would take a few days to get from Pentos to Lilith and there was no doubt his journey would be full of the strangest dreams; hyper-sleep had that effect. There were times he'd woken in cold sweats, his skin red as if burning, his fingers tingling and raw yet as soon as he removed himself from the system, the feelings vanished; the downsides to travel occasionally outweighed the benefits of the job. After a good hour, Harry pulled his ship straight up, disappearing into the sky, heading directly for Lilith. A few days of travel would give him the uncomfortable unshaven look of a man who didn't care, and as much as he hated it, the man knew too well it would give him way to blend on the shit hole they called Lilith. Flipping switches and replying coldly to the towel control, Harry sped his ship straight off Pentos and into the black beyond. As soon as the course was set, Harry felt the tingling anxiety of the slightly outdated hyper-sleep function. A slight grimace shivered from the man as he slowly slid the needle into the centre of his arm, already scared from the regularity of using the drug- was it a drug? Sure it shut his body down until the ship came into short distance from his destination... It wasn't a drug though. He pulled the tourniquet from around his upper arm and slid back into his chair. He flipped a switch, checked over the dials again and waited. [i]One... Two... Three... Four... Fi-[/i] When Harry opened his eyes, the planet of Lilith sat below him, unattractive against the black beyond, yet scattered with the gleaming lights of thousands of cities. Harry eased the needle from his arm, covering the hole with a scrap of cloth. He would have another hour before he arrived in the capital, enough time to prepare himself for a hunt. Locate, follow, take, deliver. It's how his world worked. Too much trouble, knock them out. Not worth anything? Cast aside.