[color=00aeef]When Kameyo and Nori walked into the Mochavine, she immediately regretted it. As Nori asked where they should sit, Kame spotted Arty. It's not like it was a hard thing to do, he is hard to miss.[/color] [i]Oh dear! I'm not prepared for this![/i] [color=00aeef]Her original intention was to try and seat them as far away as possible. However before she could say anything, the girl he was sitting with got up and walked over to them. And oh of course it had to be the woman she saw get a drink dumped on her. Kame was not prepared for this level of awkward. All she wanted was some cake. Was that really too much to ask universe?[/color]

	[color=00aeef]As the girl came up to Nori, Kame quickly pretended to be fascinated by the pattern on the sweater. She made sure to memorize the types of stitching , in case she was questioned about it later. Just in case. At least she didn't seem mad about the whole thing. maybe Kameyo and her could be friends. That is if she could grow the metaphorical balls to actually look at her. She felt practically frozen aside from her very slow subtle attempt to inch her way behind Nori. Kameyo was desperately attempting to fade out of existence. [/color][i]I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here I'm not here. [/i]

	[color=00aeef]When she heard Ryva's invite she knew she was doomed. Overly aware that Arty had already seen her she sighed inwardly. She was going to have to face it eventually, weather she liked it or not.