Nori was about to give up and go look for another place to eat when Ryva came over and surprised the DJ by bowing slightly, her long hair tumbling over her shoulder in the process. "Excuse me, Lass," the guitarist greeted, smiling sweetly. "I wanted to apologize fer how I acted last night. I realize how conceited I must have seemed, and I apologize. I was only tryin' to make amends fer shovin' ye, and we got off on the wrong foot. I'd like tae start over, if ye do no' mind, lass. And ye're welcome tae come sit with me and Arty, and my pup does no' bite." Nori felt her face heat up and rubbed at her upper arm embarrassedly. [i]’Alright, so maybe I haven’t been cured of my Ryva hero worship,’[/i] the blonde admitted to herself, before reaching out to give the other girl a gentle and friendly punch to the bicep. “It’s all good, I think it was a long night for everyone. I’m Nori, by the way,” Nori told her, before shooting a look at the booth where Arty sat. “Yeah, we’d love to sit with you guys, right Kameyo?” Nori asked, turning to quirk a brow at her usually quite roommate. “I’m probably going to die if I don’t get some food soon.” They made their way over to the booth and Nori gestured for Kameyo to climb in first, putting her across from Arty. Nori normally would have taken the inside seat, but she kind of wanted to pet Ryva’s dog. "In you get, darlin'," the florist insisted, nudging the blue haired girl into the booth. "Hey Arty," she greeted her coworker as she sat down. "You remember Kameyo, right?" The waitress chose that moment to come back and deliver Ryva and Arty's orders. "Can I have a water and a Belgium waffle?" Nori asked, flashing the other girl a smile when she nodded. The florist had already had enough caffeine on an empty stomach and she was starting to feel jittery. "Hello sweet boy," Nori cooed, focusing her attention on the dog who laid patient at Ryva's feet. She held out a hand and let the dog sniff it, before reaching out to give him a good scratch behind the ears.