I would say be creative as you want with the intro. Did your character just arrive at Rondorio, or have they been there for awhile? If so, how long? Did your family have a legacy of attending Rondorio, and if so what kind of prestige did they have? Perhaps you weren't even planning on coming to Rondorio in the first place. Beasts out in the wilderness, a gang of bandits, etc. could have provoked you into training, to be stronger. Maybe the beasts/bandits killed someone important to you, so you're here to train? Or maybe you're just here for the glory of the fight. Either way, your motives should probably reflect alittle bit in your character's intro post. Perhaps you're a thief, stole something, were getting chased, and ended up being saved by one of the members of the faculty. If it's my character, Zeddicus, he'd probably tell you you're a worthless piece of crap and you need to prove yourself worthy, and offer you a spot in Rondorio to prove yourself more than just a common thug.