[hider=Rosie Smith] Name: Rosie Smith Age: 16 Country: North America Student or Teacher: Student Club(optional): Baseball club Track and field Weapon(s): Multiple baseball bats, her favorite being a titanium one that’s a bit damaged. She also has a baseball bat with multiple nails in it to make it hit harder. The one she uses the most in battle though is a rather heavy one that she can swing with a lot of force, it is also very sturdy. Armor(?): [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/300152L.jpg[/img] Clothes: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/300111L.jpg[/img] Items you brought with you: Bio (optional): When Rosie was young she was part of a girls baseball team, she was rather good at it, however when she was about 13 her family was the target of a serial murderer who had invaded and captured her family. Rosie was tortured along with her parents. Eventually she created a second personality which seemed to come out when she got a chance to be free. She grabbed a baseball bat and brutally took down her captor, by the time she was done there wasn’t much left of him. Her family was free after that ordeal. Since then Rosie was sent to Rondorio in hopes of learning to improve her use of the bat as a weapon. More info(?): Rosie has two personalities, one is a rather kind and caring personality, the other is a vicious one that loves violence and takes great pleasure in destroying things with her bat. I will win the Tournament. [/hider] I made a CS! Yay!