[hider=Rosie Smith] Name: Rosie Smith Age: 16 Country: England Student or Teacher: Student Club(optional): Sports club Track and field Weapon(s): Metal club, Mace, and Wooden Club with spikes in it. Armor(?): [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/300152L.jpg[/img] Clothes: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80276264/swordgirls/images/300111L.jpg[/img] Items: Her weapons, a first aid kit, her wallet, running shoes, and a baseball bat. Bio (optional): When Rosie was young she was part of a girls baseball team, she was rather good at it, however when she was about 13 her family was the target of a serial murderer who had invaded and captured her family. Rosie was tortured along with her parents. Eventually she created a second personality which seemed to come out when she got a chance to be free. She grabbed a baseball bat and brutally took down her captor, by the time she was done there wasn’t much left of him. Her family was free after that ordeal. Since then Rosie was sent to Rondorio in hopes of learning to improve her use of the clubs. More info(?): Rosie has two personalities, one is a rather kind and caring personality, the other is a vicious one that loves violence and takes great pleasure in destroying things with her bat. I will win the Tournament. [/hider] [hider=Cia Ling/Monkey Tamer] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/aa96/f/2014/145/7/6/geil_ling_by_pixelturtle-d7joj4r.png[/img] Name: Cia Ling Age: 30 Country: China Student or Teacher: Teacher Club(optional): Runs the Sports clubs Weapon(s): Her own fists, though has been known to use spiked gloves as weapons. She prefers the drunken fist style of martial arts though. Items you brought with you: A large bag of cloths, training equipment, and nuts and fruit that she carries around from her monkeys. Bio (optional): Cia was born in China to a family that owned a Dojo. Many had come to attempt to learn of the variouse martial arts styles that her family taught. However not many succeeded. Cia was very clumsy though and thus had a hard time learning any of the martial arts styles. But due to her clumsiness she proved to be the ultimate master of the Drunken fist style, none could compare to her skill in it. Thanks to her unpredictable nature very few have been able to match her. Though none have been able to beat her in hand to hand combat. Cia joined the academy when she realized that many of the weapon wielders lacked the fast enough footing to best her. She also became a teacher due to her being payed enough to keep up with her drinking habits. More info(?): Cia loves to drink and tease others. Cia has been known to train monkeys to fight just to prove that “Even a Monkey can fight Better than you.” In hopes of making student’s want to work harder, of course some of her monkeys are more powerful than others. She has Greg, A baboon who is her favorite of the monkeys and commonly stays by her side. There is also Lucy the Gorilla, Mary the Chimpanzee, and George Japanese Macaques. [/hider]