"Yawn~ It's still too early for me to be awake..." Basha complained while rubbing her eyes, she was sitting at the edge of a wagon used to transport fruits for for the moment the only thing she could do was to look at the road behind. "I told you we had to start moving really early!" The merchant driving the wagon replied a bit angry because Basha did not listen to his warning last night and spend almost all night playing the lyre, now she was regreting it "Calm down darling, after all she was a great help with that thief from yesterday" The merchant's wife whispered into his ear, she did not like the idea of having such cute girl near her husband but she had to repay Basha somehow. After a few hours of silence and boredom the wagon stopped near the famous academy knwon as Rondorio, Basha picked up her backpack, shield and sword and jumped off the wagon. "Thank you so much! I couldn't have made it in time if it wasn't for you!" Basha said before the merchants left. The greek girl was finally at the academy, not that she was too excited, after all she was forced to enroll. She just walked slowly passing through the huge stone gate, the stone walls were so high she would sure break more than just her legs if she jumped from there. "All students hurry up to the square, the Headmaster will give the welcome speech in the square soon!" Basha heard somene, surely a teacher, informing the students about the Headmaster's speech and so she ran to the square.