Some time has passed since the beginning of his journey. Walking down the road, carrying a sack with his belongings on his back, Jafari could be seen carrying a piece of paper with directions to get to Rondorio Academy. Earlier, he had some trouble getting information to get to Rondorio after hearing that it was an academy for warriors, a place where you would face challenges that would test your skills to become one of the greatest warriors in the world. After the warnings his tribesmen spoke, Jafari still insisted on traveling out into the world to learn about the many cultures and the warriors they provide.

Getting closer to the academy, many people turned to stare at this young well built dark skinned man, which was not really common to see in these parts. The young man didn't pay any attention to the stares but upon getting closer to the school, Jafari could see a young woman with an eye patch and a sword on her side, running passed the gate, in which he followed and watched as many others were congregating towards the square. He casually walked through the gates and found the square where other warriors from all walks of life was waiting. Quietly, he walked in, standing in the back, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself so to wait on whoever it was that everyone else was waiting on but...the thought of seeing so many warriors from so many cultures in one place brought a slight smirk on the serious face of Jafari.