Lance stretched as he walked towards the academy. It seemed like forever ago since he first started his journey here. It was easy getting to the academy, staying in an Inn for the night was a different story. Most of the time he’d stay up mixing chemicals together to make more of what he called his “Chemical bombs” and Most of the time he could do it without a hitch. However, sometimes his mind trailed off and started mixing chemicals to see what would happen. This, most if the time caused trouble as many of the chemicals would result in an explosion. This would cause the owner of the Inn to throw Lance out onto the street after his room, or in last night’s case: almost half the Inn got blown up. He was forced to sleep outside on the stone sidewalk. “Really, you’re really going to make me sleep on the cold ground outside and not have the common decency to give me a blanket,” Lance sighed. A white cloud of smoke flew from his mouth. He took out the cigarette than hung from his mouth and tapped it so the red ash fell to the ground before placing it back into his mouth and continuing his rant to himself, “So what if I blow up half the Inn, it’s not like you can rebuild the place. Hell, I paid for the damages but you still throw me out! The academy better not do that to me.” Lance stopped at the gates of the academy. It was a lot bigger then he thought. He noticed all the students entering the academy and sighed again, “So far none of them look like the science type. But I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover anyway.” Lance shrugged and walked into the academy courtyard. [i]The female male ratio seems to favor the female over the male. That’s new, but maybe it’s just how it looks out here and the ratio will even out[/i]. Lance thought before he threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it before he pulled another out of the pack in his pocket and lit it. Lance looked up as he heard the announcement and smiled, “Time to get this show on the road.” Lance headed towards the square as he wondered how the head master would look. He pictured an elderly man who, in his mind could probably take down a bear with his bare hands. Lance stopped and smacked himself in the head. [i]Great pun idiot[/i] Lance thought.