In the square, a podium had been erected next to the fountain for the first day of the school year so that the Headmaster, Zeddicus, could give his usual welcoming speech to all of the new aspiring warriors joining the ranks of Rondorio. However, as students continued to pile into the square and the announcement had been made to arrive there, there was no sign of the Headmaster. Instead, a very angry looking woman carrying a parasol to block most of the sun's rays from her pale white skin was standing behind the podium, casting glances this way and that. She mumbled something angry under her breath before grasping the podium with one of her hands so hard that her knuckles went white, the other still holding the parasol. She looked as if she might rip it apart and begin beating the gathering students to death with it in her frustration. [b]“Ahem!”[/b] She said somewhat loudly, hoping to silence the din of chatter that accompanied large gatherings of people. When the chatting and whispers didn't cease, she slapped her hand full force against the podium, causing a loud resounding [i][b]CRACK!![/b][/i] to echo across the square. With the attention of the students now firmly upon her, she breathed in deeply before continuing. [b]“Velcome to ze Rondorio Academy for Varriors. Vat you vere before you came is inconsequential. You are now part of zis family, and you vill train till you sveat blood, and you VILL make us prou----”[/b] Before she could continue her rather uninspiring speech, a scream came from one of the girls in the front of the crowd. [i][b]“Oh my god, a pervert just lifted my skirt!!!!!”[/b][/i] [center][i][b] “EEE!!! MINE TOO!”[/b][/i] [/center] [right] [i][b]“Somebody just touched my --- my ---!”[/b][/i][/right] The last girl broke into sobs and finally the woman behind the podium had, had enough. [b]“ZEDDICUS I [i]VILL[/i] HURT YOU![/b]” She slammed her fist directly against the podium and broke it entirely in half from the force of it. [b]“What a lovely field of flower blossoms we've attracted this year, El. Could do with some pruning, though...”[/b] Said a voice from behind her. Zeddicus, the Headmaster, stood on the stone wall of the fountain and gazed out at the students gathered. Clad in his usual clashing attire, a bright orange shirt and green knee-length shorts with black spots, as well as his flowing white cape and sandals, he looked more like a beggar than a Headmaster. Elysia, his assistant, resisted the urge to admonish him in front of the newcomers and instead made a sweeping gesture with her top-hat. [b]“Zis is your Headmaster, Zeddicus. He vill NOW give his velcoming speech.”[/b] She said loudly to the students gathered. The last girl could still be heard softly sobbing. Zeddicus threw his hands out wide, causing his cape to flair out behind him dramatically, and gave a deep booming laugh. [b]“WELCOME TO RONDORIO, PUPS! What do you seek? Glory! Power! Fame! Fortune!” [/b]He paused for a moment and then shook his head. [b]“Rid yourself of these thoughts! You are not special here – well, actually, that succulent delicious flower with the eyepatch is an exception, oh the things I woul – [i]OW![/i]”[/b] A sharp rap of Elysia's rapier across his shin gave him warning that he was treading into dangerous territory. [b]“Fine, fine. Ahem – You all, especially you ladies, are going to be fine tuned into True Warriors! What does that mean? Do you think you know?”[/b] He paced across the stone fountain, and then pulled his sword, Farkas, from it's sheath and plunged it into the ground. [b]“You are only on the first steps to knowing what it means to be a True Warrior! You will mold your bodies and minds into weapons, and if you do well, be awarded the opportunity to take on Quests. There you will prove your worth!”[/b] He gave a wide smile that took in all of the students. [b]“You will also be allowed to join clubs – personally I enjoy the Swimming Club, ladies, I [i]highly recommend[/i] you join that – OW!”[/b] Another welt sprang across his shin, just below the first from where Elysia's rapier struck him again. [b]“Just a love slap. Shows how much she adores me!”[/b] He grinned and leaned on his sword, which was stuck firmly in the pavement. [b]“Beyond Quests and Clubs, you will also be allowed a dorm partner if you so wish – same gender only, so you miscreants stay out of the flower bed, if you catch my drift...”[/b] He pulled Farkas out from the ground threateningly as he peered down at some of the male students to make his point. [b]“By the time the Tournament comes, I expect all of you to be warriors who will make Rondorio proud! Train vigorously and work up a sweat – [i]especially you ladies[/i] – HA!”[/b] He said as he dodged another swift blow from Elysia's rapier by jumping into the fountain behind him, causing a wave of water to splash onto him and Elysia – the latter of whom looked like a pissed off wet cat. [b]“Go forth now, pups, and make your destiny your own!”[/b] Zeddicus called out behind him as he waded through the fountain to escape Elysia's wrath. Elysia, who was now wet and even angrier than before, turned back to the students gathered. [b]“You are all now velcome to situate yourselves in your dorms, sign up vor your clubs, and attend your classes! [i]Dismissed![/i]”[/b] With that, she turned and stalked angrily in the direction that Zeddicus had escaped, a parasol in one hand and her rapier in the other.