Listening and watching the head master from a distance behind most of the students, Jafari simply let out a "hmph" from what said and see. To him he saw the headmaster as a hypocrite as he warned the boys not to go peeping the girls or else there would be was just ashame that he wasn't applying his own wisdom, giving the "Do as I say, not as I do" wisdom. For a moment Jafari thought he made a mistake coming to this place if the headmaster was like that but changed his mind from witnessing his assistant's actions towards him. After the speech was over, Jafari took hold of his spear, which he had strapped to his back and went to find out which dorm room he would be in. He mostly wanted to explore the school grounds and check out the others skills and styles they studied under. Grabbing hold and caressing the lucky black fang that the elder gave him, He passed a few of the students. He was not used to this new land so of coarse he was a little lost and needed to find out where he needed to go to get information for his rooming. After which, he wondered if fights an sparring was allowed to happen any time or is there was a designated time and place to do such things?