[quote=@Cuccoruler] [@TheSecret] Rosie looked at the girls shield. She got an inspired look as she looked at the shield. "That, is so cool!" Rosie said with a smile as she looked at the shield closer. "I've never seen a shield like this before! How strong is it? Can it withstand a hit from a mace?" Rosie asked almost jumping up and down. She was excited about seeing such a thing and wondered if it could really take a hit from her mace. Maybe even take a full blow from her. She had found someone who would most likely block attacks instead of dodging them like most fighters would. [/quote] "E-eh...Well, the shield is like 100 years old so...It would be a good idea not to test it...and it's a gift from my mother..." Basha explained about her shield, which looked as a new one, a bit nervous due to Rosie's excitment, she then started to pick up the maces and other things Rosie droped. Just when she was on her knees picking up one of the maces Basha felt her skirt being lifted up, as if it was by pure instint Basha pulled her sword, it's sheath attached to the internal side of the shield, and gave a slash backwards not hitting anyone or anything. While standing up slwoly she could hear girls complaining about their skirts being lifted or even worse and looked at the podium, where a man who was not there moments ago was now giving a speech, a really disturbing one for the girls. "I can't believe this pervert is the headmaster..." [@Aphelion]