[img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/349/0/7/evening_stroll_by_miles_johnston-d6y24oc.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/357/7/c/swampin__by_miles_johnston-d6z2hv3.jpg[/img] 5'7 54.9 kg Name: Elysia Caverly Alias: Hail Age: 16 Gender: Female Abilities/Skills: Elysia has no noticeable traits that makes her 'superior', but she can play a mean game of poker. She lacks stamina, strength, intelligence, which makes her a walking sand bag. Powers: Ice Mimicry: User is made up of or can transform their body completely into ice. Users transformed form can be either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of ice, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately user can transform into homogenous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other. In such form, the user has a greater chance of taking hits and surviving. Molecular Moisture Inversion: The ability to freeze water molecules turning them into solid ice. Molecular Moisture Conversion: The ability to transform organic matter, such as a human body, to organic ice and back again. With this, it is possible for her to project her consciousness through moisture molecules and reform her body at the destination. Cryokinesis: Elysia is able to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. This ice can be formed into any object of his choosing: the only limitations is her creativity and imagination, and the ambient air temperature which determines how long her ice sculptures will last. Weaknesses: Fire of course is her weak spot. Equipment: The girl carries nothing of importance, just an umbrella and her rain coat. She feels that if she wears all of those confusing gadgets, she'll end up hurting someone and getting sued. Personality: She's seemingly distant, she looks to be very detached from world at times. A forlorn expression is usually present and she tends to be very enigmatic. Elysia is prone to making rash decisions, which usually ends up with her in quite the pickle. True to her lazy behavior, she tends to be quite lax and takes frequent naps throughout the day and often pushes aside important objectives. This has caused more than enough trouble for her as she often skips out on important business. History: (It's a work in progress, bear with me please!) Elysia was born in Ukraine. As a child, Elysia indulged in the finer things in life, she was spoiled, lazy and she liked it that way. Her childhood revolved around her and her stuffed animals which she each individually named, dressed, and played with. She was a solitary child, her face rarely got to enjoy the rays of sun that would sneak out from behind the clouds, but Elysia was fine with that. On her 10th birthday, Elysia clenched her mother's hand at her birthday dinner. She was alone, the poor girl, all dressed in white with only her mother and father there to celebrate with. She felt particularly angry, frustrated, confused. And with a tight grip on her mother's hand, she froze her. The woman who conceived her was a block of ice, a shocked look forever plastered on her face. Her father never looked at her the same way again, his back was always turned towards her. "Papa?" Elysia would reach out to pull onto the tail of her father's coat, but he would walk away in fear and disgust. He had enough, he wanted her gone. No longer was she his daughter, who he loved and spoiled to her hearts content. So he sent her off, to what he thought would be a better place.