[center]Moments ago:[/center] A bright-eyed, and dare I say, cheerful-looking young woman stepped up to the gates of Rondorio. She stood up as straight as the spear she carried in her left hand. A smile was on her face. All the training, and being made fun of by her brothers and sisters, led up to this very moment. Not even the explosion that leveled half the inn she and her family were staying at would dissuade her from coming here. She turned around to face her entourage: her six siblings, and her father. Her mother had obligations at home, and they had already said their goodbyes. Julie quickly bowed and proclaimed, "For you guys! Goodbye, Father, Jeorge, James, Jillian, Joshua, Jaqueline, and Jaylee! I will not fail you!" Her oldest sibling, Jeorge, strode over to her and clasped his hand on her shoulder. "You're our last hope Jules. We need at least one True Warrior in this family." Her big sister, Jaqueline, chimed in, "And if you don't make it, don't come back!" (She was only [i]half[/i] serious, of course.) Julie bowed again. "I won't fail you! I swear on my-" Just then, a loud *CRACK* resounded through the courtyard alerting the already gathered students that the welcoming speech had begun. Julie's eyes went wide with a combination of excitement and fear. "I gotta go, guys! I'll see you when I've become a True Warrior!" As she ran through the gates, her eldest sister, Jillian, called out, "Remember what I said about the headmaster! He's handsy, but harmless! Just go with it!" [center]----------[/center] Julie simply stood in the square after the welcoming speech, her jaw agape. The headmaster was nothing the way she expected. Her sisters had made it sound like he was just some creeper, (which he definitely seemed to be) but there was also an aura of just...[i]sheer power[/i] about him. After a moment, she noticed that the other students already seemed to be finding their respective dorm rooms or trying to find clubs to join. She noticed out of the corner of her eye, something white falling to the ground. She reacted almost instantly, thrusting her spear toward the wayward sheet of paper, stabbing it clean through. As her eyes went toward the end of her spear, to see exactly what she'd caught, she noticed a girl who seemed to be stumbling. In one swift motion, she brought her spear upward, catching the girl. "I'm...uh sorry." She waggled the spear in her hands, shaking the paper. "Is this yours?"