Jin gave his attention to the source of the spontaneous sound that roared through the area. Finally school was gonna start and he can get his conquests of battles and possibly a bit of romance on the side. He listened to the introduction given by a women with a noticeable accent. Was she the head master? Jin never really got any word on what he or she would look like. The lady did seem tough and spoke like a true master or respectable sensei would. Standing up to get a better view of the head master Jin attention was interrupted by a famales cry out of perviness. Before Jin retrieve his sword the wind picked up a bit but he couldn't see anything the only thing that he noticed that continues screams of young women. "Who could do such a thing!" And as if he asked the lady at the podium she quickly shouted out a mans name. He's probably the one responsible for this. Jin was ready to attack the guy. That was until he was revealed to be their new Headmaster. Jin was you could say speechless. The more the guy talked the more pervy he sounded. "Why was dressed like that....." Jin questioned himself after awhile and left the younger version of Master Roshi alone to be what ever he want to be. Judging on how fast the dude did what he did he could even probably beat all the students at once. Jin accepted him for being a perv and decided to leave it alone. Jin rolling up the little blanket he sat on to drink his tea packed it in his backpack. I know its really odd seeing a samurai with a backpack but it was school after all so get use to it. Jin concealed his sword next to the other and began walking towards the dorms. As he walked pass some students it seems that a lot of them were asking a bunch of future friends already. Jin kept walking though he'd love to have friends but he's not the start a conversation type.