[@Thesecret] Rosie looked up at the headmasters speech. "Yeah, I think I'll be avoiding him for the most part." Rosie said as she turned away Basha to watch the shenanigans of the Head Master. "Anyways! I'm Rosie it's nice to meet you and I hope we can be friends." Rosie said as she held out her hand to shake Basha's. Rosie was a kind person and she loved to be near others if she could. The only problem was that when others found out about what she's like during a fight they tend to back away from her due to her personality switch. [@Aphelion] Cia meanwhile walked up behind the Headmaster. "Nice speech perv." Cia said teasingly. As she approached him Lucy the Gorilla came shooting out from behind her and leaped at the him in an attempt to tackle and hug him. "You certainly wooed Lucy, she just can't get enough of you." Cia said with a smile, Greg was by her side as always. Mary was currently in her classroom though awaiting any students who might come in and want to challenge her. [@Rex] George in the mean time had been chasing after a rather tasty looking spider. That was until it got blown up. He let out a yelp while running in and out of bushes. He then noticed where the explosion had come from. A new student named Lance from the looks of it. George start to yell out again before leaping at Lance in an attempt to punish him for destroying his snack.