[color=6ecff6]"Ceart go leor, Arty. "[/color] Then Ryva blushed a little at Jake's comment and hid her face in her arms. [color=6ecff6]"Cén fáth a bhfuil mé deireadh suas i gcónaí a bheith ar an asal i ngach cás a rachaidh mé isteach? Dhíth orm sos."[/color] She lifted her head to watch Nori play matchmaker, while Arty and Kameyo blushed and avoided each other's gazes. Ryva took a long look at her drink before downing the rest of it and getting up to throw it in the trash. she then walked back to the table and slipped on her leather [url=http://www.black-leatherjacket.com/image/cache/data/Womens-black-lambskin-leather-motorcycle-jacket/black-lambskin-leather-jacket-900x900.jpg] jacket[/url], grabbed Moose's leash and gave a quick bow to everyone. [color=6ecff6]"I'm sorry, but I have to go, everyone. I'll catch you up later. Slán."[/color] Then she waved and jogged out of the cafe. [i][color=6ecff6]What did he say his address was?[/color][/i] Ryva thought as Moose trotted beside her. [color=6ecff6][i]Oh yeah, 19 S park st.[/i][/color] she sighed and transitioned into a full run. Moose barked happily, liking that he got to stretch out into his run. Ryva had nearly forgotten about her original mission, so she passed Jake's house, then skidded to a stop. She leaned against a lampost to catch her breath, then remembered and walked back to Jake's place. she walked up the front steps and knocked. She waited. Moose panted and lay down. [hider=Translation] -Why do I always end up being the ass in every situation I get into? I need a break. -Goodbye [/hider]