It didn't look like Arty's blush was going to fade anytime soon, making the red head keep his cup up to his lips in a rather vain attempt to cover it up. Arty's thoughts were only taken off his own embarrassment by Jake announcing that he had to leave and check out his new place, he even invited them to swing by, well it seemed the invitation was extended to everyone save Ryva. [color=00a651][i]"That could of gone way worse."[/i][/color] Arty thought with a unheard sigh of relief as he gave Jake a slight nod and wave. [color=00a651][b]"I'll 'ave to come by some time mate and take yo' up on that drink."[/b][/color] The massive man said to Jake as his farewell. Just as he finished speaking Ryva shot up and announced that she was leaving. Arty thought it was odd, but then again he knew Ryva kept a slightly spastic schedule given her career choice. [color=00a651][b]"Uh alright then lass, I'll talk to yo' later then."[/b][/color] He called after Ryva as she made what seemed like a mad dash out of the café, Moose in tow. It just dawned on the big oaf that he was now left alone with Nori and the blue haired Kameyo. [color=00a651][i]"Wait when did that happen?"[/i][/color] He thought as he looked back to the two sitting across fro him. When Kameyo spoke up, or rather whispered, gave the best grin he could muster, he didn't want to make this situation any more awkward for him or this girl. [color=00a651][b]"Uh anytime lass, just that yo' look cute is all. Er I mean yo' look cute in those clothes. Erm not that yo' wouldn't look cute out of those clothes. I mean it isn't that I 'ave been picturin' yo' not in clothes. I mean uh.... never mind"[/b][/color] Arty fumbled and tripped over his words as his cheeks became a even deeper shade of red. [color=00a651][b]"Uhhh er uh Soooo Nori 'ow is it lookin' for yo' at the club? Think yo' might beat out Cash for the top DJ spot?"[/b][/color] Arty said rather hurriedly in an attempt to change the subject as fast as possible. He then yet again brought his cup up to his lips and started to take a long sip to try and hide his blush, at this rate he was going to need a refile soon.