Jake was laying on his couch spread out listening to his music when he noticed a slight knock at the door.He paused his music and shot up thinking it was arty trying to escape that awkward situation and came to see his new house he grabbed the vanilla rum and poured two glasses for arty said he was gonna take him up on his offer for a drink.He went to the door and put one of the glasses on the side table next to the door way, turned the door knob,grabbed the glass,opened the door the rest of the way with his foot, and held out the drink saying [color=Red]"Whats up you big irresistible lu......."[/color]He then froze completely un able to finish his sentence for it was not Arty it was Ryva then a horrified look came across his face as he noticed what he was wearing....He hadn't gone back and got his clothes from club lush (which were probably gone by now) and all he was wearing and had been wearing for the past 2 days was his dark colored blue jeans and black air speed shoes.He was shirtless,his various scars from past work accidents on is arms and chest were lighter colored then the rest of his skin his upper body was chiseled from toning over the years and in the middle of his chest were the oddly triangle shaped burn scars but most prominent was his face,trying to keep calm and hoping Ryva wasn't here to burn his new house down,he took a breathe for he had been holding it the entire time he was frozen.He got out of his daze and,barely managing to speak,he said [color=Red]"H-Hi whats up?"[/color] It took all he could to speak as his mind was going crazy [color=Lightcoral]'What do I do?!What do I do?!I figured Arty was gonna be the only one to take me up on my offer but it was a lady and not just any lady it was the girl I dumped a white Russian on and I'm shirtless what if she sees my scars and Thinks I'm just a depressed alcoholic asshole.I was drunk most of the time I've been around her and I was an asshole she pushed Nori and shots lady first but dumping a drink on her was a dick move and she was just trying to help Arty out.Dammit why do I have to be an asshole all the time if she burns my house down or has her dog eat me I'll take it cause I deserve it.As Jake was going crazy inside his head he couldn't help but notice Ryva's eyes were very alluring causing his mind to settle and speak one last time [color=Red]"By the way it was a bit of a dick move for me to pour that drink on you. I'm very sorry I just am really random when I drink and I can't sit still when there's conflict I have to put my two cents in or it drives me crazy."[/color]