Seth of Valeria drew a heavy breath, he needed the oxygen, but moving his ribs hurt. He held the air in, tensed his muscles and raised his head to look at what was going on. The elf was once again a pile of shame and blood on the ground, the newcomer was also down, crying. Blood poured out of several openings in his body as he did this and so he relaxed again, which at least slowed down the bleeding a bit. He’d been wounded in battle before, he knew his limit. There was no help to get from the elf, that one was damaged as well, and perhaps even more so than Seth himself, his only hope now was the strange girl with the staff. With a last gathering of effort he managed to get himself sitting with his back leaned against the tree trunk. This caused his worst wounds, the ones on his arms, to bleed even less. “I am sorry too, miss. I am obviously interrupting you at a delicate moment. Normally I would never interrupt a lady, however the recent situation calls for it, there seems to a slight emergency in the air.” If he’d had normal use of his arms he’d held one of them up before his face and stretch out his thumb and pointer almost parallel to each other to emphasize the word ‘slight’. This time he had to rely on his vocal prowess to work it’s magic without the aid of props. “You see, miss, over yonder lies the butchered remains of someone apparently very dear to this man. Lovely as she was, she also held within her the seed of a demon and outright attacked the both of us in a most ungentlemanly fashion just before you arrived.” He looked over at what remained of the demon’s body and found that as usual it had already started to decay, within hours there would be nothing left. “Now, as you can see, miss, I am bleeding quite severely from the unnatural holes in my body, and I am sure my friend over there feels the same way, I would be very grateful if you could find someone with medical knowledge to save me and my partner from dying. That is, if you yourself do not possess such knowledge and would be so kind as to plug up the various leakages of our bodies… Please?” From a pile of shame and blood nearby came a grunt, and unattentive bystander would interpret it as nonsense. But looking at the evidence of the situation, a linguist of moderate skill would immediately recognise the sound as “Yeah, what he said.”