"Uh yeah... she looks good. I uh like the shirt,” Arty mumbled, trying to hide behind his coffee mug. I was sort of adorable, really, because he was such a big man. Just then, the blonde stranger’s phone rang and he answered it briskly, speaking in hushed tones. With a quick nod, the man hung up the phone and looked back to the group. He apologized for having to leave so quickly and gave them his address so they could visit him at a later date. "I'm sorry it's taken us this long to properly meet, Miss Nori. Again, I'm sorry for I have to leave, but you know my address and you can visit whenever you like. Oh, and just saying to be honest you do look hot in those outfits at club lush but you look far more beautiful in your normal garb,” The blonde man told her with a grin, causing Nori to flush always up to the roots of her hair. “Th-thank you,” the DJ replied shakily. Honestly, she was usually much better with compliments, but he had caught her off guard. Plus, she still didn’t even know his name! Arty’s friend then said something to Ryva and hurried off, leaving them all shell shocked. “Who is that guy?” Nori asked to no one in particular, blinking at where he had been standing. Ryva looked after the man before excusing herself and jogging after him, Moose in tow. After everything had settled back down in the café, Kameyo thanked Arty, looking up at him through her lashes and fiddling with her hands in her lap. [i]’She’s being so cute and she doesn’t even know it! This is gonna be easy as cake,’ [/i] Nori mused, grinning almost evilly. "Uh anytime lass, just that yo' look cute is all. Er I mean yo' look cute in those clothes. Erm not that yo' wouldn't look cute out of those clothes. I mean it isn't that I 'ave been picturin' yo' not in clothes. I mean uh.... never mind,” The big man stumbled out, his face turning almost as red as his hair. [i]’I’ll have them married before the year is out,’[/i] Nori thought smugly, sitting back in her seat. The waitress came back with her waffle and the florist made sure to make her stay around long enough to take Kameyo’s order. "Uhhh er uh Soooo Nori 'ow is it lookin' for yo' at the club? Think yo' might beat out Cash for the top DJ spot?" “I’m gonna murder Daindrich,” the blonde snarled, stabbing her waffle and shoving chunks of it into her mouth angrily. “Do you know that jerk Beauregard had a painting of him commission to go over the sound booth? I practically OWN that sound booth,” she continued, her mouth appearing as if it was unhinging as she devoured the rest of her food in her righteous fury. “For my next shift I’m gonna wear the skimpiest, most ridiculous, sluttastic thing I can get my hands on. My boobs are gonna be all over the place! Then that jerk will [b]have[/b] to give me a prime time spot!” [i]’Wait a minute,’[/i] Nori thought, staring down at her plate. [i]’Is Arty trying to distract me!?’[/i] The blonde looked up and sure enough, Arty was still trying his best to hide behind his coffee mug. [i]’Oh...you tried to out fox me. Two can play this game, my friend!’[/i] “Oh rats!” Nori exclaimed, smacking her forehead with her hand. “I just realized I forgot to water the Orchids at work yesterday. I have to go, you know how delicate Orchids are,” The blonde told them, sliding out of the booth and leaving money on the table to cover her portion of the food and tip. “Arty, could you be a dear and help Kameyo move her boxes from the dorm? She was just saying how heavy they are and how she wished she knew a big, strong man who could help move them,” Nori asked with a Cheshire grin painted on her face. Not giving the burly red head or her roommate any time to protest, Nori gave them both a wave and shot out the front door, cackling madly the whole way.