[@ booksmusicanime] Julie flashed a confused look. [i]Having trouble?[/i] It was just then that she noticed the girl's eye patch. Was that why she was having trouble reading the sheet? Julie smiled at her as the girl introduced herself, then replied, "I'm Julie. My sisses call me Jules, but I hate that." Julie just about extended her arm, but quickly pulled it back. This girl had an Eastern look to her. They don't shake hands in the East. This girl already seemed uncomfortable as it was, and Julie didn't want to make her more uncomfortable, so she bowed instead. She stood there for a few moments, shuffling her feet, not quite sure of what to say. Then, she remembered the paper. She looked down at it, then said, "It says I'm gonna be staying in room 27." She looked back up at Skyler and added, "Wouldn't it be funny if we ended up rooming together?"