Isabeau had spent most of the trip on the deck, looking out to the ocean, avoiding others, especially strangers that seemed to want to confirm for themselves if she was, in fact, a summoner. While it was certainly nice to be noticed, to be appreciated, there was a line and it was crossed, that line being when a constant barrage of questions from people who didn;t even bother introducing themselves came rapidly. Isabeau didn't want to stand around and answer questions all day, she still barely knew anything about being a summoner, including why she was chosen. She would've gone inside the ship to hide, but the last time she did that she had to stay near chocobos and those birds were not her idea of a fun time. Gippal, that was the name she believed he said, approached her as she was staring out into the ocean, enjoying a moment's respite. "It's weird," she responded to his question, still looking out to the ocean, "It's still hard to believe, I mean, I was there, you were there, we all saw it happen...I'm just confused. I don't know what to think. I hope I'll find some kind of answer in Kilika. I thought I'd like the attention's kind of annoying, having strangers come up to you and tug on your clothing. Ugh, I'm just confused about everything." Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, and continued gazing out at the ocean