I would like to join [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/flame_chi/1520728_zpsv1v5mazo.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Yukisaa "Yuki" Mosi Mukamutara [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Country:[/b] Pontus, which is part of modern-day Turkey near the southern shore of the Euxine Sea (the Black Sea). [b]Student or Teacher:[/b] Student [b]Club(optional):[/b] Archery [b]Armor(?):[/b] On Picture. [b]Clothes:[/b] On Picture. [b]Weapons[/b] [hider=Throwing Knifes] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/flame_chi/hhhhh_zpsm2xmcdkp.jpeg[/img] [/hider][hider=Tetsugen weapon][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/flame_chi/weaponstetsugen_zpsoeyao25p.jpg[/img] Near her arm, under the clothing. the end is a Throwing Knife.[/hider] [b]Items you brought with you:[/b] [b]Bio (optional):[/b] To be discovered via role playing. [b]Personality:[/b] She appears to be shy but the reason why she doesn't talk a lot is because she doesn't care about things that don't bother her. Although she is a cold person and never shows her true emotions, it's a fact that she is really emotional and emphatic...But she knows how to avoid letting people know. [b]More info(?):[/b] -"5'4ft Height, she's small for her height. -Good with any Kind of Tools. -[color=violet]Will be speaking in this violet color.[/color] [b]I Will Win The Tournament[/b]