So is everybody spawning where they crashed or in the nearest sanctuary?
If yo dead, go to the last sanctuary you went to. So if you died outside of the black city but never made it to the sanctuary, tough nuts, back to blue with you. If you somehow managed to not die before getting booted, then you'll be in the last location minus a vehicle. Hope you like walking.
I assume there is food in the virtual world? >.> flan might take a breather to eat some popcorn or something.
Yeah there's food, but you got to pay EXP for them. Or real cash.
What's even the point of virtual food, except as a dangerous form of dieting?
Immersion. Deep Ground simulates senses: You could have the best damn popcorn as you can get, all without the risk of eating or paying out of pocket. Course nothing is for free, so it's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not...