Minako watched as Shark-Chan flashed over and back with the needle and morphine. With no notice for Minako, the morphine shot went into her arm, she bit down on the sides of her cheeks to distract her from the needle. When the needle was taken out, she had already started to feel the side effects, one of them being a slight drowsiness to start off with. Minako was then told not to scream too loud, she widened her eyes a little at the statement as she felt fingers going into her wound. 

[color=f49ac2]"Ouch..."[/color] Minako whispered to herself as she closed her eyes tightly continuing to bite on the sides of her cheeks. Minako then felt the bullet pop out as she opened her eyes to take a look at her arm. It was awkward for her to take a look at somewhat of a hole in her arm, she then took a look back up at Shark-Chan. [color=f49ac2]"Thanks to that dumb blue head this happened to me..."[/color] Minako said as she stopped biting on the side of her cheeks, she started to grit her teeth, she looked back down to the wound as she sighed. 

[i][color=f49ac2]Say, what if I do actually plant a bomb here?[/color][/i] Minako thought and snickered to herself.