Stunned silence was the response as the dagger impaled the wasp. Rather than try to form a response, Lii walked back into the house, followed soon by Kintaer. A heated debate could be heard from within. [color=a2d39c] "Lyriia, I don't CARE that he's from the Knights! you are NOT going back into the village of people who tried to kill you, and you are most CERTAINLY not going with a crazy Katzheer!"[/color] An older male's voice echoed out of the windows clearly. [color=6ecff6][b]"But Mykiel! It's an adventure!"[/b][/color] Lyriia cried. [color=fff200]"And we ALL know how well your adventures work, Lii! I'm crippled and I'll NEVER be able to fly long distances so easily again, thanks to your stupidity!"[/color] That cynical voice belonged to Kintaer. [color=6ecff6][b]"I SAID I was sorry, may the gods witness it! What's done is DONE, I can't undo it, so just LET IT GO!"[/b][/color] Lyriia sounded like she was in tears. [color=ed1c24]"Lyriia. We let it go a long time ago. But... you're going alone. We can't afford to let Kin go, he has a job to do here, and so does Mykiel and so do I..."[/color] The comforting voice was accompanied by a muffled sob. [color=0072bc]"So I'll go."[/color] Almost lost in the hubbub, the quiet, confident voice. [color=ed1c24]"Lyellan, no, you're not going. You have work here."[/color] [color=0072bc]"Not important work! Gaeven, no, I'm not letting my baby sister go off on her own, especially not with a "Crazy Katzheer!" She needs someone to look out for her and I'm the best one for the job! Myki can watch Kierie, and Kin can go to work and so can you, Gaeven, and then me and Lii will go see what we need to do. Now let's get packed, before this Katzheer decides to leave us."[/color] And the other siblings couldn't find a good comeback, so they said nothing. So the twins packed their bags and hurried out to meet Kalim. Lii brought a change of clothes, some dried fruit, and her medicine satchel. On her belt she had her sling, ammo pouch, and dagger. Just... insurance. The two twins stood arm-in-arm just beyond the edge of the porch. Lyellan, standing a good inch taller than his sister, fluttered his solid black wings nervously, his dark blue eyes flitting from Lii to Kalim. [b][color=6ecff6] "L-Lord Kalim? K-Kintaer couldn't-- w-wouldn't come with us. I hope it's acceptable that, t-that Lyellan, my... twin brother, c-come inst-tead."[/color][/b] Lii curtsied, yet again, and Lyellan bowed to the man.